Alison Shaw lives in Auckland, New Zealand. She is a wife, mother and grandmother. She spent a number of years in education and latterly has been employed by the Salvation Army in Senior Services.

Alison knew very little about Lewy Body Dementia until her mother's diagnosis. Her parents were living with her at this time, and she saw first-hand the onset of this illness and the effect it had not only her mother, but also on the extended family.

Alison writes very honestly about her experiences, describing the struggles and heartache associated with this illness. She also shares both her positive and negative encounters with the different models of care her mother received.

Alison is passionate to educate and enlighten people about Lewy Body Dementia. It is her hope that this book will help to dispel some of the stigma associated with dementia and stimulate new conversations about this rapidly growing illness affecting so many of our older population.